Hunting Joy

Performance videos “Hunting Joy” and “Hunting Joy II”

“Hunting Joy” and “Hunting Joy II” is two video performances. The performances is about answers from an anonymous questionnaire. The questions was about joy during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Thank you to everyone who answered and for your honesty.

Idea: Sarah Kaurin Jonassen
Performer: Sarah Kaurin Jonassen
Cinematographer: Rasmus Ottesen Stride
Voiceover: Lisa Ullrich

What have given you joy during this period?

“It might be the necessity of being alone or might be the necessity of feeling in peace while the world is fighting this pandemic. I am surrounded by corn fields, nature and just a few other neighbors. I feel I am in a safe place and this is giving me joy, but at the same time I feel uncomfortable feeling this because not everybody has the privileged to feel like this right now. ”

“In the last four weeks being isolated can be energy draining and sucky, but reuniting with family has reinvigorated my spirits discovering joy which others would guilt trip.”

“Making myself daily routines that I follow more strictly than normal, like taking a walk everyday for 30 minutes in nature. Seeing birds and insects going about with their life as normal has made me extra happy. Bringing coffee on a thermo can and taking a walk to an area I like to sit and observe nature on sunny days has given me joy. And continuing working on my projects from home. Doing clean up projects in the apartment that I normally don't find time for has also been something that gave me joy and meaning.”

Overall: Nature, friends, family, listening, silence, lazy mornings, TV shows.

What have you done to feel joyful during this period, that you normally don't do?

“Made more of an effort to put love into my cooking.”

“I have really just done the same things I normally do that brings me joy, but more of them! Like trying to take a walk every single day. I think this could be the start of a good habit :) I've gotten more aware of how important exercise and fresh air is for mental and physical health.”

“Embracing things and habits that otherwise would stress me out or bring me shame.”

“I’ve spent way more time being outside than normal. I’ve been biking, hiking, swimming. Things I usually only do during summer.”

Overall: More nature, outside, walking, talking to friends, tv.

Has it been difficult for you to feel joy during this period?

YES: 11111 11111 11111 1

NO: 11111 11

SOMETIMES: 11111 11111